Exam Prep - Level 3 Biology: AS91603 (3.3), AS91605 (3.5), AS91606 (3.6)
If you do not want to do all three standards, please contact us to arrange individual standards ($35 each) events@rangitoto.school.nz
This class focuses on working through previous Exam questions on
AS 91603 (3.3) - Demonstrate understanding of the responses of plants and animals to their external environment 9 am - 11 am
AS 91605 (3.5) - Demonstrate understanding of evolutionary processes leading to speciation 11.15 am - 1.15 pm
AS 91606 (3.6) - Demonstrate understanding of trends in human evolution 1.45 pm - 4.00 pm
Target Audience
NCEA Level 3 Students