Exam Prep - Level 2 Biology AS91156 (2.4), AS91157 (2.5) & AS91159 (2.7)

If you do not want to do all 3 standards please contact events@rangitoto.school.nz for more options.


Exam Preparation Class for all 3 Level 2 Biology Standards:

AS 91156 - Demonstrate understanding of life processes at the cellular level. (9am-11am)

AS 91157 - Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation and change. (11.15am- 1.15pm)

AS 91159 - Demonstrate understanding of gene expression. (2pm - 4pm)


Target Audience

All NCEA Level 2 students.

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If you do not want to do all three standards, please contact us to arrange individual standards ($35 each) events@rangitoto.school.nz

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